European citizenship Practice. The strategic use of identities and political participation of EU Migrants


  • Michael Janoschka Instituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía - CSIC



European citizenship, Political participation, Politics of Identity, Migration, Spain


Local politics can be evaluated as an outstanding field of negotiation and social exchange that emblematize the deep transformations of the Spanish society due to the massive migration processes of the last decade. This article debates the magnitude of political change that was introduced by granting immigrants (mainly EU citizen) with active and passive voting rights, analyzing empirically observed forms of political participation at the Mediterranean coastal areas. This analysis is conceptually framed through the debate of two theoretical notions, namely the role European citizenship and European Identity play for the transformation of local politics. Both ideas are conceptualized and empirically debated as practices of EU rights and capacities formed by collective action that refers to the “Idea” of Europe.


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How to Cite

Janoschka, M. (2010). European citizenship Practice. The strategic use of identities and political participation of EU Migrants. Arbor, 186(744), 705–719.




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