El Diccionario Griego-Español
Classical Studies, lexicography, greek philologyAbstract
It was in the sixties when in Spain took place a revival of Classical Studies, which caused a reconsideratin of these studies and to think about making a Greek Lexicon aimed at University graduates and students. A small team under the direction of Prof. Rodríguez Adrados started the work, but they soon realized the difficulties of processing a mass of text which had been increased considerably in previous years. They decide broaden their objectives opening new fields and with novel methods. The research team becomes larger and more stable and allows the publication of the first volumes. Afterwards, computer applications, the web page and other electronic implements facilitate integral porcessing of data and greater reliability of functions, six volumes being published and other reference books, printed and in Internet. The great scope of the work makes that its indicators do not point to an easy and flashing success. But, even when we are not short of national and international recognition, we believe that its main success lies in becoming, in many aspects, standard and canon for several other important international enterprises.
Adrados = Rodríguez Adrados, Francisco (para su bibliografía completa véase http://www.filol.csic.es/dge/bib/adr.htm.
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ZPE = Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Bonn, R. Habelt.
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