La conservación cultural del patrimonio cinematográfico y la investigación científica


  • Alfonso del Amo García Jefe de la sección de investigación de Fondos Fílmicos de Filmoteca Española, Jefe de la Comisión Técnica de la Federación Internacional de Archivos Fílmicos Filmoteca Española



Cinematography, Plastics, Plasticized cellulose nitrate, “Celluloid”, Cellulose triacetate, Vinegar syndrome, Photographic gelatine, Biodegradation, Chromogenic colour, Fading of chromogenic colour


Cinematographic materials, photographic films constituted by polymeric supports and emulsions, on which images and sounds are recorded, are industrial products that have not been specially designed for its storage and conservation as cultural heritage. In this paper the story of these materials are briefly described together with the chemical and biological processes that origin their degradation. It is pointed out that, only thought the scientific research it will be possible to develop theoretical and practical tools to conserve the cinematographic heritage.


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How to Cite

del Amo García, A. (2006). La conservación cultural del patrimonio cinematográfico y la investigación científica. Arbor, 182(717), 9–16.


