The structure of scientific revolutions, according to Thomas Kuhn, on the analysis of art history




Thomas Kuhn and the relationship between art and science, modern and contemporary art, paradigmatic change and visual change, epistemological change


This article offers some solutions to problems relating to the theory and methodology of a particular piece of research into modern and contemporary landscaping. It concerns the dynamic processes of theoretical, epistemological and formal changes in the visual arts in the 20th and 21st centuries. The analysis, based on the structuralism of scientific revolutions first published by Thomas Kuhn, offers some answers to the debate on the articulation of paradigms in the history of science, according to Kuhn, instead of the articulation of styles in art history, according to Heinrich Wölfflin, Meyer Shapiro and Ernst Gombrich, among others, considering science and art as entities of a different nature. Kuhn’s approach to art history, particularly to the work of Gombrich, leads us to draw a parallel between science and art in Kuhn’s work, where he attempted to articulate paradigms in art history.


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How to Cite

Rabadán Villalpando, M. E. (2017). The structure of scientific revolutions, according to Thomas Kuhn, on the analysis of art history. Arbor, 193(783), a372.


