La botánica en el exilio. Mariano Lagasca y el Hortus Siccus Londinensis


  • José Luis Maldonado Polo Dtº Historia de la Ciencia. Instituto de Historia (CSIC).



History of Botany, Exile, England, Mariano de Lagasca


The present work is part of research work upon the History of Madrid’s Botanic Garden in the first half of the nineteenth century. The main objective of this work focuses on the institution’s period under the direction of Mariano de Lagasca and his subsequent exile in the United Kingdom, after the major setback that Fernando VII´s absolutist regime meant for Spanish Science on its return in 1823. In a previous article the intervention of Lagasca and Clemente as deputies to Constitutional Courts during the Trienio Liberal has been presented. In this, we undertake an analysis of the context in which the first edition of Lagasca ´s Hortus Siccus Londinesis appeared in London and its publication in Spanish in order to show a little-known chapter of Spanish Botany.


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How to Cite

Maldonado Polo, J. L. (2006). La botánica en el exilio. Mariano Lagasca y el Hortus Siccus Londinensis. Arbor, 182(718), 189–205.


