Internal medicine and rare diseases.Child-adult transition




rare diseases, inherited metabolic diseases, inborn errors of metabolism, child-adult transition in inborn errors of metabolism


Most rare diseases (RD) are genetically based, occur with very different symptoms and may cause a different degree of disability, especially inborn errors of metabolism (IEM). The clinical transition process of a patient with a RD reaching adulthood aims to ensure uninterrupted, coordinated and psychologically-appropriate health care through multidisciplinary expert units (EU). The specialist in Internal Medicine has a central role, along with Nutrition and Dietetics, a specialized ECM laboratory, and other specialists (Neurology, Clinical Genetics, Pharmacy, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics, Psychiatry, Nursing, Social Work, with the support of pediatricians experienced in ECM). EU should organize the overall care, develop clinical guidelines for diagnosis, follow-up and treatment, adapt Pharmacy services, create patient registers, establish relationships with patients’ associations, develop a scientific training program, establish international partnerships, facilitate collaboration with the Pharmaceutical Industry and have its own research activity.


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Blum, R. W., Garell, D., Hodgman, C. H., Jorissen, T. W., Okinow, N. A., Orr, D. P. y Slap, G. B. (1993). Transition from Child- Centered to Adult Health-Care Systems for Adolescents with Chronic Conditions. A Position Paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine. Journal of Adolescent Health, 14 (7), pp. 570-576.

Buchbinder, N., Berger, M., Robert, A. y Vannier, J. P. (2011). Difficult transitions from paediatric to adult care in type 1 Gaucher disease. Archives de Pédiatrie. Organe officiel de la Societé Française de Pédiatrie, 18 (2), pp. 165-169. PMid:21194904

Cardellach, F. y Vilardell, M. (2006). Hacia el perfil de médico que necesita la comunidad. Medicina Clínica, 127 (4), pp. 136- 138.

Grau, J. M. y Cardellach, F. (2010). Enfermedades raras y el especialista en Medicina Interna. Medicina Clínica, 134 (12), pp. 540-541. PMid:20219217

Izquierdo Martínez, M. y Avellaneda Fernández, A. (2003). Enfoque multidisciplinario de las enfermedades raras: un nuevo reto para un nuevo siglo. Medicina Clínica, 121 (8), pp. 299-303.

Kossoff, E. H., Veggiotti, P., Genton, P. y Desguerre, I. (2014). Transition for patients with epilepsy due to metabolic and mitochondrial disorders. Epilepsia, 55 (supl. 3), pp. 37-40. PMid:25209085

Lee, P. J. (2002). Growing older: the adult metabolic clinic. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 25 (3), pp. 252-260.

Mütze, U., Roth, A., Weigel, J. F. W., Beblo, S., Baerwald, C. G., Bührdel, P. y Kiess, W. (2011). Transition of young adults with phenylketonuria from pediatric to adult care. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 34 (3), pp. 701-709. PMid:21305352

Palau, F. (2010). Enfermedades raras, un paradigma emergente en la medicina del siglo XXI. Medicina Clínica, 134 (4), pp. 161-168. PMid:19767033

<b>Disposiciones oficiales</b>

Orden SCO/227/2007 de 24 de enero, por la que se aprueba y publica el programa formativo de la especialidad de medicina interna. Boletín Oficial del Estado nº 33 de 7 de febrero de 2007, pp. 5755- 5759. Disponible en: https://www.boe. es/boe/dias/2007/02/07/pdfs/A05755- 05759.pdf

<b>Recursos en línea</b>

CatSalut. Servei Català de la Salut. Instrucció 12/2014, de 15 d'octubre de 2014. Desarrollo e implantación del modelo de atención a las enfermedades minoritarias (EM) en Catalu-a. Ordenación de las unidades expertas clínicas para EM o grupos temáticos de EM. [En línea]. Disponible en: http://catsalut.gencat. cat/web/.content/minisite/catsalut/ proveidors_professionals/normatives_instruccions/any_2014/instruccio_12_2014/instruccio_12_2014.pdf

Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI). [En línea]. Disponible en: http://



How to Cite

Cardellach, F., & Ribes, A. (2018). Internal medicine and rare diseases.Child-adult transition. Arbor, 194(789), a460.


