Dangerous crossings: Journeys to Citizenship


  • Phillip Cole Social Ethics Research Centre. University of Wales




Citizenship, immigration, colonialism, global justice


In this paper I argue that citizenship and immigration policy in the United Kingdom, and other European powers, is informed by a postcolonial anxiety, informed by their colonial history. As far as the United Kingdom is concerned, the traveller from western Europe is civilized, and so welcome with no restrictions on access to the territory and with a shared European Union citizenship. The traveller from eastern Europe is less welcome. Travellers from beyond the European “frontier” face even more restrictions if they journey to the United Kingdom seeking national citizenship. Their journey has grown more hazardous during recent years, physically, politically and legally. While liberal political theory has “forgotten” its colonial past and writes about a world in which colonialism and slavery never happened, the UK’s immigration and citizenship regulations seem unable to forget either the past or the colonial narrative that shaped how it was understood at the time. This paper examines the most recent developments in the UK’s citizenship and immigration legislation and their likely future development against this background.


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How to Cite

Cole, P. (2010). Dangerous crossings: Journeys to Citizenship. Arbor, 186(744), 615–624. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2010.744n1221


