Syllabuses on the Launch and Consolidation of Secondary Education: Cardenal Cisneros High School of Madrid 1885-1938


  • Begoña Moreno Castaño Responsable de Gestión Comunes, IMDEA
  • Clara Eugenia Núñez UNED



Spain history, educational history, educational change, educational development, educational policy, political issues, government role, politics of education, school legislation, ministers of Education, state programs, government school relationship, role of education, decision making, educational research, secondary education, secondary schools, high schools, curriculum research, curriculum development, educational practices, educational trends, school role, college preparation, private education, private schools, public education, public schools, case studies, data analysis, long-term data analysis, enrollment influences, enrollment trends


European educational systems, centralized and structured by levels, developed during the 19th century in a “gerschenkron” way. This article focus on the legal definition of secondary education in Spain as represented by the different curricula approved between 1821 and 1936, published in the Gaceta de Madrid, and its implementation in the Instituto Cardenal Cisneros (Madrid) between 1886 y 1936, using registration data from the Libros de Matrícula. Norms appear to have been excessive, unnecessary, and irrelevant, and to have resulted in legal instability which had negative effects on the Cisneros: frequent rearrangements of school curricula, several of them being offered on the same school year and some being replaced before fully implemented, and permanent improvisation within a growing number of subjects. Annual changes in the number of registered students by subject matter was high and irregular, except for the few periods of legal stability, and it shows that the chaos and confusion affecting both students, official and non-official, and professors had reached the classroom.


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How to Cite

Moreno Castaño, B., & Núñez, C. E. (2011). Syllabuses on the Launch and Consolidation of Secondary Education: Cardenal Cisneros High School of Madrid 1885-1938. Arbor, 187(749), 465–483.


