Old Scientific Instruments at the San Isidro High School. Recovery and Contextualization


  • Leonor González de la Lastra I.E.S. San Isidro




Scientific instrument, technological instrument, physics teaching, technology teaching, Reales Estudios de San Isidro, documentation, instrument maker, XIXth-century, history of Spanish education


This paper presents the results of the labours undertaken in the Instituto San Isidro regarding the conservation, documentation and contextualization of the XIXth century scientific instruments that still belong to this institution. In order to achieve an historical understanding of the collection, the attention is focused on the political and educational decisions taken by the Spanish authorities in the period considered. Besides, particular attention is paid to technological pieces, which in general were used, as in other countries, to illustrate the “applied side” of physics.


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How to Cite

González de la Lastra, L. (2011). Old Scientific Instruments at the San Isidro High School. Recovery and Contextualization. Arbor, 187(749), 561–571. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2011.749n3009


