Impacts of the reprogenetics in both the demographic tendencies and the family structures


  • Hilde Sánchez Morales UNED. Grupo Estudio Tendencias Sociales



Reprogenetics and Family, reprogenetics and Demography, social impacts of human genetics, social impacts of assisted reproduction


This paper introduces the family and demographic impact of assisted reproduction and genetic engineering in humans (reprogenetics). We are situated in a complex issue due to the rapid pace at which progress is happening and the lights and shadows associated with its development. The questions we will try to analyze over the next few pages are: How far the family as a “primary group” based on the biological relationship among its specific features –socially regulated– human reproduction, breeding, location and education of children, will be structurally and sociologically modified due to the development of alternatives to the time of descent?, to what extent is affecting reprogenetics Demography as a scientific discipline, and how likely will grow by near future?


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How to Cite

Sánchez Morales, H. (2011). Impacts of the reprogenetics in both the demographic tendencies and the family structures. Arbor, 187(750), 765–781.


