Small defects we should correct: learning to be a woman in the sentimental cartoon during the 50s and the 60s decades


  • Rosario Jiménez Morales Profesora de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



Feminine comic, gender and symbolic representation, Spanish postwar period


The so called “sentimental story” published in the 40s and 50s in Spain played an important part in women education during the postwar period. Publications as Florita, Mariló or Blanca spread a symbolic construction of feminity based on submissiveness. Love was the only destiny for women. And therefore they had to prepare themselves for it. Values as simplicity, integrity, absolute devotion to men and to the family, and rejection of fantasy represented the axiology of this publications. Feminine comic perpetuated in this way the asymetric relationships in the Spanish society at the time by using a process sometimes even autorreferential since this reductionist image was created and disseminated by women authors as well.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Morales, R. (2011). Small defects we should correct: learning to be a woman in the sentimental cartoon during the 50s and the 60s decades. Arbor, 187(Extra_2), 159–168.


