Uncertainty of present times and future challenges. Some key aspects


  • Manuel González Portilla Miembros del Grupo de Demografía Histórica e Historia Urbana. Departamento de Historia Contemporánea/ Gauregungo Historia Saila, UPV/EHU
  • José Urrutikoetxea Lizárraga Miembros del Grupo de Demografía Histórica e Historia Urbana. Departamento de Historia Contemporánea/ Gauregungo Historia Saila, UPV/EHU




Present world, crisis, urbanization, industrialisation, demographic transition, development geography, innovation, knowledge economy, women


The uncertainty is one of the most appropriate characteristics of our west society. This has been in the forefront of the world for centuries, but now his protagonist role is decreasing, so his next future is under question. The recent history illuminates some key points: the irruption of the great demographic powers –China and India–, the acceleration of the industrialisation, the world-wide urban development, and the swing of the economic core towards the Pacific area. Other changes in process actually are: the demographic transition (mortality and fecundity), the change in the values and the family patterns, the influence of the new economy based on the knowledge and the innovation, and the growing role of the women in all the society fields.


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How to Cite

González Portilla, M., & Urrutikoetxea Lizárraga, J. (2011). Uncertainty of present times and future challenges. Some key aspects. Arbor, 187(752), 1013–1028. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2011.752n6001


