Self-help and the consume of psychic dispositives in the case of innovation


  • Eduardo Apodaka Departamento de Psicología Social. Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea



Innovation, new management, self-help, modern psychism, added value


Innovation appears in the business world and, generally, in the organizational spheres, as a demand of the economic system that is characteristic of informational capitalism and its’ predominant logics: the search of and added value. This is done parallel to the cultural logics that have cleaned out and taken down the modern psychic individual. The initiative and the motivation have passed from being a raw material to a high-elaborated product, a product that can be worked apart form the individual through the traditional ways or be included in an psychoanalyzed auto construction. This text analyses the psycho-cultural function and the success of the self-help books along with its’ “psycho-ideology.” The culture of self-help has as a horizon all types of relational spheres and all dispositions, feelings, and emotions. This article is focused on the case of innovation, that is, the analysis of the functions of the books of self-help that are directed to make people more innovative and proactive.


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How to Cite

Apodaka, E. (2011). Self-help and the consume of psychic dispositives in the case of innovation. Arbor, 187(752), 1103–1118.


