Economics, Society and Ethics: An Integrative Proposal


  • José Atilano Pena López Departamento de Economía Aplicada I. Facultad de Economía y Empresa



Sociology of economics, Integrative Ethics and economy, Das A. Smith Problem


This present work starts from a critical review of the diverse approaches that attempt to locate the economic fact within the social system and the perspective that Ethics adopts on the economy. On these grounds, the reconstruction of the Das Adam Smith Problem allows us to establish the foundations of an integrating socioeconomic rationality. At the same time, the proposal of an integrative ethics that surpasses the traditional dichotomies between facts and values and the split between economic and social rationality, would allow us to overcome the errors that ethical analysis makes in its judgments on the internal logic of Economics.


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How to Cite

Pena López, J. A. (2011). Economics, Society and Ethics: An Integrative Proposal. Arbor, 187(752), 1245–1258.


