Rethinking the innovation systems studies: the catalan system of innovation as strategic research case


  • Manuel Ahedo Universidad del País Vasco. Grupo de Investigación “Análisis Social y Organizativo” y Grupo de la Universidad Rovira i Virgili



Innovation system, social sciences’ performativity, institutional-cultural approach


The system of innovation or innovation system approach has brought a profound change and improvement in the understanding of the innovation process, mainly by taking into account the national, regional, sectoral and technological dimensions and factors. However, despite its clear knowledge accumulation, it still has analytical limitations with regard to old questions and also to emerging issues. This article looks at the Catalan innovation system, as a strategic research case, in order to point out which are these questions and issues, and to propose some possible ways to advance in the analytical solution, and in general in moving towards a better understanding of the innovation processes in the globalizing capitalism of the 21st century society and economy.


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How to Cite

Ahedo, M. (2012). Rethinking the innovation systems studies: the catalan system of innovation as strategic research case. Arbor, 188(753), 49–62.


