University-industry relationships: strategies and dynamics of the collaboration process at regional level


  • Carmen Merchán Hernández Instituto de Estudios Sociales Avanzados (IESA), CSIC



Knowledge transfer, University-Industry relationship, collaboration process


This article analyzes the dynamics of the collaboration of the industrial sector with universities at regional level. It explores how these collaborative processes are developed from the viewpoint of the entrepreneurs. This analysis is based on a survey of a representative sample of innovative firms in the regional innovation system of Andalusia. The results show that the most widespread collaboration strategy with universities focuses on human resource activities, and less on the generation and use of scientific knowledge. Such firms follow more informal guidelines in the development and evolution of their relationships with universities. However, a specific sector of firms in the region reveals a collaboration strategy characterized by the development of diverse types of activities with universities: they involve in more intensive generation and use of scientific knowledge and more formal processes of relationships. The article explores the main factors that affect the relational model that firms maintain with universities and draw implications for regional innovation systems.


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How to Cite

Merchán Hernández, C. (2012). University-industry relationships: strategies and dynamics of the collaboration process at regional level. Arbor, 188(753), 193–209.


