Technology and marketing: the role of commercial rethoric in the development of mobile navigation devices


  • Pedro Mendonça Instituto de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Lisboa



Technology, functionalities, marketing, rhetoric


The present article aims to link technology and marketing in the process of imagination and concretization of functions for mobile navigation devices. It focuses on the performance of marketing and sales, as rhetorical agents, in the technical path of building the product. Empirically, it is a case study of a Portuguese company, NDrive, whose main innovation is the introduction of photographic images in these devices replacing traditional maps. Since we identify in the field of innovation a platform of relation between the two spheres of inquiry (technology and marketing), it is in the theoretical studies of innovation that we produce much of the analysis of the different emerging questions, many connected to the central issues of contemporary technological transformation.


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How to Cite

Mendonça, P. (2012). Technology and marketing: the role of commercial rethoric in the development of mobile navigation devices. Arbor, 188(753), 229–241.


