From Complement to Motor: The Changing Role of Leisure and Tourism in Local Development Strategies. The Case of the Recovery and Valorisation of Cultural Heritage


  • Joan Noguera Tur Instituto de Desarrollo Local. Universitat de València
  • Adrián Ferrándis Martínez Instituto de Desarrollo Local. Universitat de València
  • Mar Riera Spiegelhalder Instituto de Desarrollo Local. Universitat de València



Leisure and tourism, local development, strategic planning


In the Fordist society, the productive activity focused development strategies, considering the role of leisure and tourism as “complementary” productive activities. The consolidation of post-productivism since the decade of 1990s has caused profound changes in individual and collective values and priorities. These have seen the introduction of a radically different conception about the role of leisure and tourism in the vital programming and, consequently, in the strategies of companies, organisations and governments. This paper provides a discussion of the principles of local development and the, more and more, central function of leisure and tourism in regional development strategies, through the presentation of a research methodology to assess the situation and potential of cultural resources in the configuration of endogenous local development strategies.


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How to Cite

Noguera Tur, J., Ferrándis Martínez, A., & Riera Spiegelhalder, M. (2012). From Complement to Motor: The Changing Role of Leisure and Tourism in Local Development Strategies. The Case of the Recovery and Valorisation of Cultural Heritage. Arbor, 188(754), 379–393.


