The Right to Escape? Right of Migration and Cosmopolitan Nationality


  • Víctor Granado Almena Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Escape, ius migrandi, membership, cosmopolitanism, citizenship, border


Transnational migrations are a useful hermeneutic so as to consider the political from of the world from the imbalances they generate. The increasing presence of people outside States poses challenges with regard to: the reality of Human Rights, the power of the national States to control it and the degree of accuracy of the classic categories of political philosophy in order to understand globalization. Both global displacement and the increasing portion of people who are out of place question the old framework which linked territoriality, sovereignty and citizenship. In order to understand that reality, we shall therein after compare the thesis of both Mezzadra and Vitale on the experience of displacement. This aims at comprehending displacement as escape or as an exercise of Human Rights on free movement in global age.


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How to Cite

Granado Almena, V. (2012). The Right to Escape? Right of Migration and Cosmopolitan Nationality. Arbor, 188(755), 489–502.




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