Dispossession and Production of Illegality: Managing Migrations in the Age of Neoliberalism


  • Noelia González Cámara Instituto de Filosofía - CCHS (CSIC), Madrid




Undocumented migration, production of migrant illegality, Spain, accumulation by dispossession, David Harvey


Approaching the discussion on the production of migrant illegality, this paper analyzes the Spanish case focusing the attention on the consequences of the relations between the logics of political power and economic power in the categorization of undocumented migrants. The first part of the paper briefly reviews the latest and most outstanding contributions to the critical study of illegality, examining which dimensions participate in the process of illegalization according to these proposals. In the second part I suggets that in the age of neoliberalism the production of migrant illegality can be understood as a process of accumulation by dispossession attending to the relation established between the State and capital. Finally, the process of illegalization that has taken place in Spain in the last decades is explored.


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How to Cite

González Cámara, N. (2012). Dispossession and Production of Illegality: Managing Migrations in the Age of Neoliberalism. Arbor, 188(755), 559–572. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2012.755n3008


