Between Transformation and Continuity. The Uses of the Internet in the Global Justice Movement in Spain


  • Manuel Jiménez Sánchez Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla)
  • Ángel Calle Collado Universidad de Córdoba



Global justice movements, social movements, Internet and politics, political mobilization, democracy


In this paper we analysis the strategies of virtual communication deployed by the Spanish global justice movement, ranging from those aiming to raise political awareness or increase organizations' public visibility and transparency, through to those focused on stimulating bilateral and multilateral communication between members, organizations and the public at large, as well as those pursuing political mobilization. Our description is based on an analysis of indicative features of these strategies that can be found on the websites of a sample of 37 organizations. The interpretation of the results has enabled us to assess the extent to which the communication practices associated with these websites, beyond their potential to reduce communication costs, also relate to transformations in the nature of the movements’ patterns of organizational activity and political pressure.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Sánchez, M., & Calle Collado, Ángel. (2012). Between Transformation and Continuity. The Uses of the Internet in the Global Justice Movement in Spain. Arbor, 188(756), 767–780.


