Fariza Benlyazid: Feminist cinema dealing with personal identity


  • Katjia Torres Calzada Universidad Pablo de Olavide




Europe/North Africa, Farida Benlyazid, Islam, women, identity


This article analyses Tangier’s director Farida Benlyazid’s personal vision of the identity conflict of the Muslim Moroccan woman (a conflict deriving from the tension between the French colonial culture and the Arab-Muslim one) as presented in her opera prima Bab samá maftúh / A Door to the Sky (1988), based on a script written by herself. Within the context of Moroccan cinema, Benlyazid is a pioneer in the treatment of the Muslim woman’s role in the Moroccan patriarchal system due both to her peculiar understanding of feminism and to her multicultural upbringing, which allows her to deploy a symbolic language to universalize her films and transmit the value of rites and atavistic rituals of Morocco’s popular collective imaginary and of her own intimate imaginary.


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How to Cite

Torres Calzada, K. (2012). Fariza Benlyazid: Feminist cinema dealing with personal identity. Arbor, 188(758), 1055–1063. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2012.758n6005


