Computational Linguistics and Linguistic Steganography. Distributing Hidden Information with Minimal Resources


  • Alfonso Muñoz Muñoz Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Departamento de Ingeniería y Arquitecturas Telemáticas. Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación
  • Irina Argüelles Álvarez Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Departamento de lingüística Aplicada a la Ciencia y a la Tecnología. Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación.



linguistic steganography, watermarking, NLW, algorithm


Computational linguistics and linguistic steganography could allow to design useful systems in the protection / privacy of digital communications and digital language watermarking. However, building these systems is not always possible provided a series of conditions are not met. This article investigates whether it is possible to design procedures to hide information in natural language using minimal linguistic and computational resources. An algorithm is proposed and implemented, arguing for the usefulness and security of such proposals.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Muñoz, A., & Argüelles Álvarez, I. (2013). Computational Linguistics and Linguistic Steganography. Distributing Hidden Information with Minimal Resources. Arbor, 189(760), a021.




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