Pathologic fuzziness


  • Luis Ferrer i Balsebre Departamento de medicina Universidad de A Coruña. Médico Psiquiatra Jefe del Servicio de Salud Mental del Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago de Compostela



Postmodernity, values, emergent pathologies


This article explores the social changes arising from what has come to be termed Postmodernity and their connections to emerging mental illnesses. The decline in values, the change in the categories of time and space, the changes in the feelings of modesty and shame, the loss of the role of authority together with the adultisation of children and the infantilisation of adults, the phenomenon of consumption, risk as a factor of life and the primacy of the emotion, the changes in the family structure and the social function of the children, are some of the points subject to the analysis. Such factors determine the emergence of new pathologies as well as changes of prevalence in diverse clinical profiles.


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How to Cite

Ferrer i Balsebre, L. (2013). Pathologic fuzziness. Arbor, 189(762), a055.


