Some models for embryo research


  • M.ª Teresa López de la Vieja Universidad de Salamanca, Facultad de Filosofía



Ethics, Bioethics, Research on embryos, Pluralism, Gradualism


Different models to approach research on embryos are relevant in theory and in practice. The Spanish Act of 2007 could exemplify the possibility of regulating research on human pre-embryos and, at the same time, establishing clear requirements to accept projects and practices. On the one hand, the gradualist model usually considers different levels of development and, for this reason, different levels of protection of human life. On the other hand, the nongradualist model rejects research on embryos, since it defends the protection of human life from the very beginning and in general. Disagreements about the topic and different laws only prove that it is still a difficult issue in European and other countries. The article argues that, in plural societies, respect for all perspectives and models requires to regulate biomedical research rather than prohibiting certain practices that are coherent with a specific idea of human life.


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How to Cite

López de la Vieja, M. T. (2013). Some models for embryo research. Arbor, 189(763), a066.




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