Carta a mi mujer: a lyric will between reality and desire


  • Jean Pierre Castellani Université François Rabelais



letter, wife, nature, poetry, metaphor, love


Even Francisco Umbral’s worst enemies acknowledge his talent for innovative linguistic discourse when writing texts of various kinds - autobiography, autofiction, prose fiction or journalism. Among the 14 texts Francisco Umbral published between 2000 and 2010, only two can be considered prose fiction stricto sensu – his novels El socialista sentimental (2000) and Los metales nocturnos (2003), while the rest of his production at the time included his columns in newspapers, his private diary, Un ser de lejanías (2001) and his Carta a mi mujer, which Umbral apparently wrote in the 1980s but was published in 2008 after his death. In these supposedly narrative texts, it is possible to pinpoint a tendency towards lyricism. From this point of view, this article will focus on the aforementioned posthumous work as an example of lyrical discourse. Addressed to his wife María España, in this letter Umbral achieves a high degree of creativity and manages to produce what might be easily taken as a testament where he offers a unique depiction of his relationship with his wife.


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Caballé, A. (2004). Francisco Umbral, el frío de una vida. Madrid: Espasa.

Martínez Rico, E. (2001). Umbral, vida, obra y pecados, conversaciones. Madrid: Foca.

Martínez Rico, E. (2003). Umbral, las verdades de un mentiroso ilustre. Gijón: Llibros del Pexe.

Rodríguez, E. (21 diciembre 2007). Entrevista a España Suárez, El Mundo, Magazine, p. 32.

Suárez Garrido, E. (29 agosto 2009). El Norte de Castilla, Suplemento Artes, p. 4.

Umbral, F. (1965). Larra. Anatomía de un dandy. Madrid: Alfaguara

Umbral, F. (1973). El retrato de un joven malvado. Barcelona: Destino.

Umbral, F. (1975/1995). Mortal y rosa (ed. M. García-Posada). Madrid: Cátedra.

Umbral, F. (1976/1988). Los males sagrados. Barcelona: Destino.

Umbral, F. (1979a). Diario de un escritor burgués. Barcelona: Destino.

Umbral, F. (1979b). Los amores diurnos. Barcelona: Kairós.

Umbral, F. (1981a). La bestia rosa. Barcelona: Tusquets.

Umbral, F. (1981b). A la sombra de las muchachas rojas. Madrid: Novela Cátedra.

Umbral, F. (1982). El hijo de Greta Garbo. Barcelona: Destino.

Umbral, F. (1992). Memorias eróticas. Madrid: Temas de hoy.

Umbral, F. (1993). La década roja. Barcelona: Planeta.

Umbral, F. (1999). Diario político y sentimental. Barcelona: Planeta.

Umbral, F. (2001). Un ser de lejanías. Barcelona: Planeta.

Umbral, F. (2008). Carta a mi mujer. Barcelona: Planeta.



How to Cite

Castellani, J. P. (2015). Carta a mi mujer: a lyric will between reality and desire. Arbor, 191(774), a250.


