New way, old pattern. Seasonal migration from Poland to Germany


  • Kamila Fiałkowska University of Warsaw
  • Maria Piechowska University of Warsaw



migration–Poland–Germany, seasonal workers, bilateral agreement, agriculture, migration network


This article reviews seasonal migration from Poland to Germany from the perspective of functioning of the Polish-German agreement on seasonal work. The title calls for attention to two issues – firstly, the new agreement which was – as compared to other signed by EU member states with third countries – of outstanding relevance due to the scale of migration; on the other hand – migration that followed was well known and established among Poles. The paper suggests that seasonal migration in the state as it is today, has its roots in the distant past and concludes that development of particular migration schemes may be considered as a result of power relations and inequalities between states, which are reproduced on the actors level.


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How to Cite

Fiałkowska, K., & Piechowska, M. (2016). New way, old pattern. Seasonal migration from Poland to Germany. Arbor, 192(777), a285.


