The Spanish legislative framework for hiring in country of origin and International Cooperation with Third Countries in the Context of the European Union’s Migration Policy


  • Asunción Asín-Cabrera Universidad de La Laguna



External dimension of EU migration policies. Collective management of hiring in country of origin. International bilateral agreements. Mobility Partnerships


The influx of immigrants from third countries in search of new opportunities in Spain makes it necessary for these flows to be regulated, in the exercise of state competence and in compliance with, and in respect of, European Union migration policy. Rational management of migration flows inevitably involves revising Spain’s foreign relations by strengthening international dialogue and concluding bilateral agreements with third countries. This study aims to analyse one of the main ways to access the Spanish labour market, namely the “collective management of hiring in country of origin”, as well as international cooperation between Spain and non-EU countries in the regulation and management of migration flows. Furthermore, Mobility Partnerships, a cooperation mechanism instigated by the European Union, are examined, with particular consideration given to the management of migration flows and labour migration from third countries. Those negotiated with Cape Verde and Morocco are of singular importance to Spain.


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How to Cite

Asín-Cabrera, A. (2016). The Spanish legislative framework for hiring in country of origin and International Cooperation with Third Countries in the Context of the European Union’s Migration Policy. Arbor, 192(777), a288.


