Aphasia in sudden conversion testimonies





ineffable, aphasia, sudden conversion, autobiography, writing


By means of the comparative philological and phenomenological studies of the autobiographical testimonies of Paul Claudel, Manuel García Morente and André Frossard, we inquire into aphasia, an incapacity to talk compared with theophany and the difficulty, when the time comes, to communicate this in a testimonial setting. By comparing this to the mystic tradition, we explore the taxonomy of the ineffable fact in the corpus, as well as the linguistic and narrative possibilities. The aim is to analyse the features and implications of the language when it has to communicate the inexpressible, in this case, one-time appearance of the deity, considering the mystic implications involved.


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How to Cite

Contreras Espuny, J. M. (2017). Aphasia in sudden conversion testimonies. Arbor, 193(783), a374. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2017.783n1005


