Women in the Academy. A Chiaroscuro painting of UCV


  • María Victoria Canino Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas
  • Hebe Vessuri Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas




UCV, gender, higher education, teaching and research, Venezuela


For a long time the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) was the only national institution providing professional and academic education to citizens. At present, although it shares these functions with a set of public and private institutions, it continues to produce the largest contingent of science and engineering graduates in the national domain, has the largest number of graduate programs and of researchers. Its graduates have steadily grown since 1950 and that increase has occurred to a large extent thanks to the feminine contribution. In this work we analyze women’s participation in the university life, and in the processes of doctoral formation, as well as in the research system of this premier institution.


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Author Biography

María Victoria Canino, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas


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How to Cite

Canino, M. V., & Vessuri, H. (2008). Women in the Academy. A Chiaroscuro painting of UCV. Arbor, 184(733), 845–861. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2008.i733.229


