Bioethics and neuroethics




Neuroethics, moral foundation, ethics, naturalism, neuroenhancement, free will, method, moral judgement


Neuroethics officially appeared at the start of the 21st century due to the progress made by the neurosciences, as an applied ethics related to bioethics, but also as an independent discipline in its own right. As an applied ethics, it tackles issues bordering on bioethics. As independent neuroethics, it deals with established philosophical problems from a neuroscientific standpoint in the broader sense. It involves two central questions: the design of a framework in which to select, interpret and integrate data from neuroscience on morality and outlining the appropriate method or methods for this new branch of knowledge. In both cases, most neuroethicists curiously claim to take a naturalist stance, while they actually proceed in a non-naturalist manner. The article sets out to analyse the different facets of neuroethics and to reveal the method really used by neuroethicists, which refutes naturalism.


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How to Cite

Cortina, A., & Conill, J. (2019). Bioethics and neuroethics. Arbor, 195(792), a503.


