The expression of moral judgments in democratic societies




Judgments, morality, expression, democracy, subject, consequences, values, difference


This research reflects on the ethicity of the expression of moral judgments in democratic societies. It distinguishes from the morality of ethical behaviors and judgments, to focus on the manifestations of these judgments. Various elements are reviewed: the relationship of moral assertions with subjects, their adherence or not to certain formalities, the effects or consequences thereof, etc. The paper highlights the now forgotten importance of considering the specific contents of expressed moral judgments and their relation to ethical values. In conclusion, none of the elements alone can decide on the convenience of expressing a moral judgment. Harmonious integration of these aspects is recommended when evaluating the relevance of the external manifestation of our judgments of morality. The moral saying is vindicated because it reveals the subject in its uniqueness and difference before others, connecting with the very roots of ethics.


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How to Cite

Barraca Mairal, J. (2019). The expression of moral judgments in democratic societies. Arbor, 195(793), a522.


