What Could Mean “To Think in Spanish”?


  • Ernesto Garzón Valdés Universidad de Mainz




patriotism, language and originality, language and philosophy, intelectual relevance of the Spanish language, the physical and intellectual circunstances of the Spanish language


The expression “to think in Spanish” could be understand in two different senses: as an exhortation or as a description of an state of affairs. In the first sense it has a normative character. It can means something like “we must think in Spanish!”. In the second case, it would be a more or less vague formulation about the existence of a relevant intelectual tradition in the spanish language. The first interpretation is misleading and can have excluding or trivial consequences. The second one is partially true. I propose a third interpretation: “to think in Spanish” could be understood as an invitation not to forget our Spanish-speaking environment in the double sense of the physical and intelectual location of our effects to think with acertain claim of originality


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Author Biography

Ernesto Garzón Valdés, Universidad de Mainz


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How to Cite

Garzón Valdés, E. (2008). What Could Mean “To Think in Spanish”?. Arbor, 184(734), 997–1005. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2008.i734.243


