A Middle Age princess and other questions related to biology


  • Emilio Cervantes IRNASA-CSIC




Biology, History, interdisciplinarity, knowledge, Philosophy, species, time


Departing from the history of Princess Christin, that came in 1250 from Norway to Spain to marry the king Alphonse X, an original view is depicted of knowledge in general, as well as for some aspects of biology that are related with history. The first chapters contain reflections about time and try to show the importance that has, for biology, the way of understanding and interpreting it. Follow two chapters about knowledge: What is it and how it is acquired. The next chapters are about diiverse aspectps of biology: Its history, the relative importance of observation and experimentation, and its relationships with linguistics, psychology and pedagogy. The last chapter, entitled: «Biology and Philosophy. Perspectives» has been written with the aim to search the approach between both disciplines that becomes today, needed.


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Author Biography

Emilio Cervantes, IRNASA-CSIC


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How to Cite

Cervantes, E. (2009). A Middle Age princess and other questions related to biology. Arbor, 185(735), 157–197. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2009.i735.271


