Does not hurt to be devoured. Th. W. Adorno and the American experience


  • Jordi Maiso Universidad de Salamanca



Theodor W. Adorno, exile, radio music, administrative research, Critical Theory, culture industry, social condition of the intellectual, Advanced Capitalism


The present text aims to fathom Theodor W. Adorno’s american experience as a deciding learning process in the development of his Critical Theory. As a consequence of his New York exile years and his participance on the Princeton Radio Research Project, Adorno not only gets in touch with the proceeding of the culture industry and sets down a resolute theoretical approach to radio music, but also realizes a shift has taken place on the social function of theory which enables him a poignant self-reflection on the situation of the emigrated intellectual.


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How to Cite

Maiso, J. (2009). Does not hurt to be devoured. Th. W. Adorno and the American experience. Arbor, 185(739), 963–975.


