From hat to tree. Iconic tales of the Colombian Nation


  • Beatriz González Aranda Maestra en Bellas Artes, Historiadora,



Representation, mother country, iconography, essential, tree, freedom, icon, to re-examine, independence, emblematic, identity


In four episodes the way is narrated as four objects of the movable patrimony became iconic stories of the Colombian nation: The first episode talks about to the painting of Pedro Jose Figueroa, Post Nubila Faebus. SIMÓN BOLIVAR, LIBERATOR y Padre de la patria, that makes the transit of the concepts of Freedom, Mother country, Colombia and Allegory of America. The second episode deals with the diffusion of “the Tree of the Freedom” in the Nuevo reino de Granada during the Illustration and the change that suffered due to the declaration of Independence. A work of anonymous author can be considered like the representation of the ceremony of seedtime of the tree. The rooted transit of the mother country concept is analyzed so, to its loss of prestige and at the present time, to its vindication. The third episode narrates of how the Poporo quimbaya got to become icon, between near 33,600 pieces of the Museo del Oro del Banco de la República. Their geometric form, the material and myth of El Dorado, contributed to their iconización. The fourth episode deals with the Virgen de Chiquinquirá (La Chinca) (1556) tie to the miracle of the renovation in the society colony. The colony with independence, the devotion with the nationality connects itself. One concludes with a question on Whom it creates the representations of the nationality, the artist, the town, the museums? and on the validity of the iconográfics representations.


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Author Biography

Beatriz González Aranda, Maestra en Bellas Artes, Historiadora,

Miembro del Consejo Asesor de Artes Plásticas del Banco de la República (Colombia)


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How to Cite

González Aranda, B. (2009). From hat to tree. Iconic tales of the Colombian Nation. Arbor, 185(740), 1271–1282.


