The end of an essential tension: Analitics and Continentals. Philosophical hermeneutics and argumentation theories


  • María G. Navarro Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam. Instituto de Filosofía, CSIC, Madrid



Hermeneutics, argumentation theories, topic, heuristics, plausibility, analytical philosophy, continental philosophy


The author presents the hypothesis that the foundations of the so-called speculative theories of argumentation are to be found in philosophical hermeneutics. To demonstrate the strength of this hypothesis the author explores the most famous historical thesis regarding the connection between analytical and continental thought. In addition, she also presents an analysis of concepts (plausibility, dialectic, rhetoric, heuristic reasoning, and reasoning topic) to show the hermeneutic basis of developments in the field of argumentation theories.


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How to Cite

Navarro, M. G. (2010). The end of an essential tension: Analitics and Continentals. Philosophical hermeneutics and argumentation theories. Arbor, 186(742), 321–338.




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