El anudamiento de lo sexual y lo cultural en la obra de Freud


  • Carlos Gómez Sánchez UNED




Applied psychoanalysis, sexuality/self-preservation, drive/instinct, repression and structure of the psychic apparatus, sexuality and the culture, wish and rule, archaism and progress, conception of history, psychoanalysis and philosophy


The study of the culture in Freud was not a mere complement, but it contributed from its beginning to forge the psychoanalytic hypotheses and concepts. It is essential, nevertheless, to indicate the characters and limits of the “applied psychoanalysis” (1). After reconsidering the Freudian concept of sexuality –driven, non instinctive– and the controversy with authors like Bloch, the purpose of this article is to show why –for Freud– it is the repressed sexuality that structures the psychic apparatus (2). Through Mourning and Melancholia and The Ego and the Id this article analyzes the knotting established by Freud between the sexuality and the culture, between the wish and the rule (3), with the final intention of finding in the tension between archaism and progress (4) one of the cultural problems boarded in Freud’s final works, the conception of history, and to point out the main lines of influence of the psychoanalysis in the philosophical thought of the twentieth century.


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How to Cite

Gómez Sánchez, C. (2007). El anudamiento de lo sexual y lo cultural en la obra de Freud. Arbor, 183(723), 75–86. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2007.i723.82


