Pasajes: el pensamiento como puesta-en-camino Freud, Heidegger, Derrida


  • Carolina Meloni UNED



Derrida, Heidegger, Freud, Lacan, différance, Umweg, Ereignis, path, Being, trace, destining, pleasure principle, reality principle, drive, destiny


This article carries out a parallel reading of Derrida’s 1968 lecture “La Différance”, Heidegger’s Unterwegs zur Sprache, and the Freudian concept of Umweg, which is already formulated in the Traumdeutung. Derridian différance inherits a double affiliation: on the one hand, to the Freudian concepts of delay and differing which are characteristic of the psychic apparatus - it is this value of Umweg or diverted path that Freud employs to indicate the relations existing between the reality principle and the pleasure principle; on the other hand, to the Heideggerian concepts of the destining and destiny of Being. In this crossroads we find the keys to understanding the whole reach of the movement of destination in Derrida, as well as the possibility of a thought of Being in différance.


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How to Cite

Meloni, C. (2007). Pasajes: el pensamiento como puesta-en-camino Freud, Heidegger, Derrida. Arbor, 183(723), 157–169.


