¿Malogró Freud la pulsión de muerte? Las lecturas de Deleuze y Derrida


  • Julio Díaz Galán UNED




Archive, Limp, Deleuze, Derrida, difference, différance, fort/da, unconscious, repetition, speculation, eternal return, Freud, drive, death drive, rhythm, text


This article analyzes the repercussions of Freud’s concept of the death drive in the philosophies of Derrida and Deleuze. The reading that both philosophers perform of Beyond the Pleasure Principle partially determines not only two parallel modes of thinking about difference, but also the opening of two separate political spaces: that of the use of a differential unconscious in the proximity of an intense life, in the case of Deleuze, and that of an unconscious in Derridian différance, which sustains an unstable equilibrium or negotiation between life and death.


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How to Cite

Díaz Galán, J. (2007). ¿Malogró Freud la pulsión de muerte? Las lecturas de Deleuze y Derrida. Arbor, 183(723), 171–180. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2007.i723.88


