La investigación en los laboratorios de restauración de museos históricos


  • María Antonia Moreno Cifuentes Museo Arqueológico Nacional
  • Pilar Sedano Museo Nacional del Prado



Museum, Restoration, Conservation, Laboratory, Analysis, Research, Intervention


It´s explained in this article some of the analytical methods used in two historic museums: The National Archeological and the National Museum of The Prado. From his creation, they are gifted of restoration workshops than they go away, of gradual form, turning into laboratories. The ancient treatments offer the restorer very valuable data to extract information about the evolution of criteria and employed products, but at present restoration treatments in the museums need to scientific and the analytical techniques. Restoration is a fundamental way to do research on the objects’s conservation that one keep in our museums. The previous exams are necessary before any intervention, to know the objects’s material composition, manufacture techniques, damage causes them alteration and determining best-suited treatment to each case. The collaboration among the departments of conservation and institutions endowed of specialized laboratories is a must, to document scientifically the restoration procedures.


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How to Cite

Moreno Cifuentes, M. A., & Sedano, P. (2006). La investigación en los laboratorios de restauración de museos históricos. Arbor, 182(717), 87–97.


