Citizenship as a place for social integration of migration processes


  • Cristina Santamarina Cimop



Citizen form, migrations, membership, freedom, incumbency, rights, duties


One can only begin to understand immigration through conflict with others, with that which is different and, therefore, as a complex experience for all cultures. We cannot expect these conflicts to be resolved in the uncertain sphere of society or transfer them to the administration. Citizens form the only institution truly capable of accommodating this new reality striking down like a new challenge for European societies. That is because we, the citizens, accept the rights and duties inherent to our institution, and we can even extend this proposal to other peoples, to peoples with their own baggage, cultures and experiences given they are willing to assume these same rights and duties.


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How to Cite

Santamarina, C. (2010). Citizenship as a place for social integration of migration processes. Arbor, 186(744), 605–614.


