Literatura y pintura. Jusep Torres Campanals, una novela cubista


  • Carmen E Vílchez Ruiz Universidad de Santiago de Compostela



Literature, painting, cubism, narrative point of view, narrative space, narrative time, Max Aub, Jusep Torres Campalans


This article presents a study of the relation between the arts of literature and painting, from the interdisciplinary point of view. Focused on the structural analysis of Max Aub’s novel Jusep Torres Campanals, we will see how this work represents the translation of cubist painting’s aesthetics into the literary discourse. Through this analysis we will be able to prove how the narrative discourse’s decompositive technique, as used in a cubist painting, shows Jusep Torres Campanals as a fascinating dialogic dimension between truth and falseness, between painting and writing. Setting the reader again before the reflection of the old dialogue between literature and painting.


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How to Cite

Vílchez Ruiz, C. E. (2007). Literatura y pintura. Jusep Torres Campanals, una novela cubista. Arbor, 183(726), 503–510.


