Ontosemantical Perspectives in the Structuralist View of Science


  • Adriana Gonzalo Universidad Nacional del Litoral-CONICET




Ontosemantics, scientific theories, structuralist view


Some reflexions about the ontosemantic problems in the Structuralist View of Science (SV) are introduced. They are presented from a historical perspective, beginning with Sneed (1971) and Stegmüller (1973, 1976), up to more recent works of Moulines (1982, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1998, 2002). The particular ontosemantic problems here considered are: the distinction between the T-theoretical terms (relative to a theory T) and the T-non-theoretical terms; and the criteria of meaning for scientific terms. The solutions given in the frame of the SV are analyzed and discussed form a critical perspective in order to evaluate its successes and limitations.


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How to Cite

Gonzalo, A. (2011). Ontosemantical Perspectives in the Structuralist View of Science. Arbor, 187(747), 33–41. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2011.747n1004


