Otto Neurath: Language, Sciencie and Values. The Incidence of the Political


  • Ricardo J. Gómez California State University



Acceptance/rejection, auxiliary motive, Carnap, clusters (Ballungen), encyclopedia, happiness, hypotheses, Neurath, politics, proletariat, protocol statements, scientific humanism, unified science, Vienna Circle


Neurath’s project centrally included the thesis of unified science because of its functionality for political action with the purpose of attaining a better human society. This was so, because unified science was a fundamental instrument for the unity of action which, in turn, required of a fluid communication. Finally that sort of communication depended upon a certain unity of the language of science. The outcome was Neurath’s radical anti-foundational conventionalism according to which scientists should make decisions for adopting goals, instruments for achieving them, and also for accepting/rejecting hypotheses and encyclopedias. Those decisions would necessarily involve “auxiliary motives” like utility, human happiness, improving the situation of the proletariat, among others. Therefore, there is a strong interrelation between science and politics, because the former is a fundamental instrument for successfully attaining political goals, and mainly because political motives may play a crucial role in decisions for scientific acceptance.


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Neurath, Otto (1973): Empiricism and Sociology, ed. por Marie Neurath y Robert S. Cohen, traducido por Paul Foulkes y Marie Neurath, Dordrecht: Reidel.

Neurath, Otto (1981): Gesammelte philosophische und methodologische Schriften, ed. por Rudolf Haller y Heiner Rutte, Vienna: Holder-Pichler-Tempsky.

Neurath, Otto (1983): Philosophical Papers 1913-1946, ed. y trad. por Robert S. Cohen y Marie Neurath, Dordrecht: Reidel.

Neurath, Otto y otros (1987): “La concepción científica del mundo: el Círculo de Viena”, Redes. Revista de Estudios sobre la Ciencia y la Tecnología, 31: 299-320.




How to Cite

Gómez, R. J. (2011). Otto Neurath: Language, Sciencie and Values. The Incidence of the Political. Arbor, 187(747), 81–87.


