Don Juan’s myth in cinema: From Molière to Jacques Weber


  • Carmen Becerra Suárez Universidad de Vigo



Myth, Don Juan, film adaptation


From its birth in Spain in the 17th century, the myth of Don Juan has been explored through a diversity of genres, approached by numerous artists, from a wide range of perspectives and artistic expressions, interpreted by philosophers and studied by scientists. This article analyzes the modifications that the mythic scenario displays in Jacques Weber’s cinematographic version, taking into account the specific issues related to the shift of language, from literature to cinema, alongside other aspects of similar interest. Furthermore, given the fact that the study case is the result of a film transposition from a particular literary text, in this case Molière’s account of Don Juan, we will analyse, first and foremost, the suitability of the original literary text to the mythic discourse.


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How to Cite

Becerra Suárez, C. (2011). Don Juan’s myth in cinema: From Molière to Jacques Weber. Arbor, 187(748), 259–267.


