3-D audience: the future of the film world?


  • Vicente Díaz Gandasegui Departamento de C. C. Políticas y Sociología. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid




cinema, 3D, RealD, spectators, interface, immersion


This paper analyses the reintroduction of 3D to the big screen, this time, due to the digital technology and the polarization of the image, the focal depth has become more credible and the interface, in spite of still being present, is more comfortable and effective. The spectacular images attract the spectator to the cinema and captivate them with technological visual development. Simultaneously, 3D is a useful tool to solve contemporary cinema problems with piracy and competition with other media. However, the big question that 3D has to solve is whether the new technology will join the large list of fiascos of the 70’s and 80’s, trying to transform the way of seeing the image, or if it will be a step closer to virtual reality and a cinema of immersion and total interaction.


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How to Cite

Díaz Gandasegui, V. (2011). 3-D audience: the future of the film world?. Arbor, 187(748), 429–438. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2011.748n2021


