The evanescence of people, and the uses of the ballad tradition as a feature of political identity


  • Luis Díaz Viana Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología (ILLA). Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS). Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. CSIC



Ballad, music and literature, popular culture, folklore, anthropology, identity, politics


The compilation and study of the ballad tradition in general and the romancero in particular, have constituted, since they began to wake up the interest of the romantic folklorists, a specially propitious field to be used like factor of reconstruction of political identities. The fact that music and text they are in all ballad traditions united and combined fosters that potentiality. What this work discusses is why in the case of romancero the dominant tendency in research has been characterized until present times by the approach on a national or Hispanic scale, getting to even advise against the practice of the regional or provincial collections. And what methodological changes have been carried out by this position, which cannot be separated, on the other hand, from a theoretical concept of folk as national folk and which determines, in parallel, the evanescence and liquation of located and particular people, those who not only transmit, but also create culture, the true folk.


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How to Cite

Díaz Viana, L. (2011). The evanescence of people, and the uses of the ballad tradition as a feature of political identity. Arbor, 187(751), 817–825.


