El desarrollo de la investigación de materiales en España


  • José María Serratosa Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid. CSIC




Material science and technology, National Programme for Scientific Research and Development (PN), Framework Programme of the EU, Industry-Research Centers Relationships


This article refers to the great development experienced by material research in Spain during the last 20 years. This development has been, in great part, a consequence of the initiative of the National Research Council of Spain (CSIC) to include Material Science as a priority area in its Scientific Programme in the years 1980. Four new institutes for research in advanced materials were created in 1986-1987 in Barcelona, Madrid, Sevilla and Zaragoza, the last two in cooperation with the respective universities. Funding of research projects in Material Science was secured by three ways: 1) the research programme of the CSIC; 2) the National Programme for Scientific Research and Development of the spanish Governement and 3) the Framework Programme of the European Communities. An analysis of the area of Materias Science in Spain shows an important increase of the research activity during the last 20 years, as indicated by the number of papers published in international journals. Finally, the relationships between industry and research centers and universities are discussed. The article concerns mainly with material research in the CSIC but data on material research in universities and, in general, in Spain are also included.


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How to Cite

Serratosa, J. M. (2007). El desarrollo de la investigación de materiales en España. Arbor, 183(727), 687–704. https://doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2007.i727.136


