Limits to growth, climate change and innovation


  • M. Carmen Gallastegui Zulaica Departamento de Análisis Económico I. Instituto de Economía Pública. UPV/EHU



Environment, social innovation, climate change, limits, growth


The purpose of this article is to analyze what the environment and its’ management represents in terms of social innovation; the restrictions that the environment and planet care imply, the actions that have been adopted, the ways in which the different companies have reacted and what the future still holds. We will present this analysis by using to main examples: on the first hand, the problem concerning the limits to growth; on the other hand, the problem of climate changes. The solutions that are being proposed, from the mitigation, the use of market incentives (prices and taxes), the creation of markets for the rights to pollution, the “geo-engineer” solutions, the impulse for technologic innovation, are all clear examples of the ways in which society is confronting the problem.


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How to Cite

Gallastegui Zulaica, M. C. (2011). Limits to growth, climate change and innovation. Arbor, 187(752), 1159–1169.


